Evaluation of Social and Cultural Impact of Quality Improvement Project of Tehran Manganese Field


1 Assistant Professor of Cooperatives and Social Welfare, Faculty of Social Sciences, Yazd University

2 Faculty member of Payame Noor University, Mehriz, Yazd,

3 PhD student in Sociology, University of Isfahan


Assessing the socio-cultural impacts of developmental measures with the aim of identifying the effects of any development action (whether policy, program or project) and determining the extent of its impact, in order to adjust to the nature of the development actions, moderating and compensatory measures necessary to minimize negative impacts. . Among these interventions, we can mention the quality improvement of the city squares; the plan for organizing and improving the Tehran Maidan field is among these interventions. This project is carried out by the Beautification Organization of Tehran and identifies the levels of effects, possible types of consequences and modification measures that are appropriate to the nature of the main effects of this paper. In this paper, we have tried to use the quantitative and qualitative methods of predicting the design of the Mekhiz field. The results of the research show that the effects of organizing the field have become a prelude to the global registration of this field and has led to fundamental changes to restore the true identity of this field as a tourist attraction. Also, the results of this project, depending on possible scenarios, reflect the respect for the historical nature of the work by preserving the historical authenticity of the application of the type of materials and materials used in this project. The implementation of this project has several cultural and social consequences, which is part of the implication of the identification of the 12th district of Tehran as a cultural passage.


Main Subjects

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