Explaining Spatial Creativity Indicators and Measuring Their Importance Factors (Case Study: Kashan City Areas)


1 Professor, Department of Economics, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Economics and Entrepreneurship, Isfahan University of Arts, Isfahan, Iran

3 PhD in Economy

4 Master of Urban Economics, Isfahan University of Arts, Isfahan, Iran


As a geographical context, cities have been expanded to meet basic human needs such as economic, cultural and social needs. In Iran, focusing on the concept of the creative city, with an emphasis on internal possessions, including human and cultural capital, is a low-cost way to strengthen local economic foundations. In this regard, first, spatial creativity index was extracted through Landry's descriptive model in the form of ten main indexes for Kashan. In order to determine the coefficients of importance of these indices, ten experts of urban economics and art economics were used as well as to collect qualitative information from questionnaire. Survey of questionnaire information shows that among the spatial creativity indices for Kashan areas, correlation index and attitude index have the highest value at 15,11,5 zones. Civic participation is also highest in areas 14,13,6. In most of the indicator conversion areas, the idea was low, with about 60% of respondents citing lack of government support. On the other hand, documentary and library methods were used to collect quantitative statistics. In order to determine the degree of eligibility of each area, location creativity indices for Kashan were analyzed using ANP network analysis method and Super Decision software. The results show that District 11 is ranked first in terms of spatial creativity indicators among the 16 districts of Kashan


Main Subjects

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