The study of factors affecting the underdevelopment of Kurdistan province with emphasis on economic development


Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran


One of the features of developing countries is severe concentration and imbalance. Therefore, in order to create balance and comprehensive development, it is necessary to study and research on less developed regions for the future planning. This article investigates effective factors on the underdevelopment of Kurdistan province. This research is applied of type and its methodology is an integration of content analysis and secondary one. In this research, it was used max QDA software for content analysis of interviews conducted with the experts of province and secondary analysis of statistics obtained from Iran Statistics Center .Based on the theoretical perspectives of economic development, the causes of underdevelopment in Kurdistan province have been explained. The results of this study indicate that Kurdistan province is considered as one of the least developed countries in terms of the use of various dimensions and indicators of economic development. Based on the results of this research, it can be emphasized that the focus is on the development of participation in all aspects. Based on this, policies and planning to attract partnerships as well as avoidance of harmful processes such as discrimination and centralization, improve the indicators of economic development Including increasing investment in the private and public sector, increasing per capita income, increasing production and reducing the unemployment rate is provided by the development of Kurdistan province.


Main Subjects

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