Human Resources Potential Analysis in Chaharmahal Bakhtiari Province Using Human Development Index


1 Master student of watershed management, Department of Natural Engineering, Faculty of Natural Resources and Earth Sciences, Shahrekord University

2 Assistant Professor, Shahrekord University, Department of Natural Engineering, Faculty of Natural Resources and Earth Sciences, Shahrekord University


Although economically, per capita income growth was considered as a measure of development, it cannot describe all aspects of development. Therefore, the Human Development Index (HDI) was published as a general benchmark by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and set the basis for measuring development as three essential dimensions of human life: health, education, and standard of living. The human development index is obtained by calculating the geometric average of the normalized values of each of these three indicators. Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari province with a population of 947763 people in 2016, distributed in nine cities, Selected as the study area. The purpose of this study was to examine the various dimensions of the human development index in different cities of the province and compare it with the average values of the country. Also, changes in the dimensions of this index have been investigated between 2011 and 2016. The results of this indicator in 2016 showed that the life expectancy index is lower than the average of the country, so that the average life expectancy in Iran is 75.6 years, but in the province is 73.67 years. Also, the average years of study for the Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari population are 7.23 years and less than the average of the country (8.8), And the expected years of study with 14.45 years average for this province is less than the average of the country (14.8). The income index calculated on the basis of the national annual income index is not calculated separately for this province and is derived from the same national data, which shows that in the period under study, due to lack of economic growth, per capita national income has decreased. Measuring the human development index shows that the value of this index in Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari province has increased from 0.697 in 2011 to 0.740 in 2016. The HDI of Iran is also increased from 0.755 to 0.774 in this period of time. In general, the human development index in Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari province is lower than the average of the country.


Main Subjects

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