Identifying the conditions affecting on the Development of the Border Economy (Case Study of Kurdistan Province) Sharif Soltanian , Jamil Mefakheri Bashmaq


1 Master of Social Sciences Research, University of Tabriz

2 PhD student in Economic Sociology and Development, University of Tehran


One of the programs to improve the livelihoods of the border counties is the economic dynamism of the border regions, which is considered as a major indicator in the establishment of relations between neighboring countries, as well as improving the livelihoods of the border towns. If the process of economic development of the border regions is an inescapable effort to improve the quality of life of the people living in the border, the need for the Kurdistan province to develop is evident due to the dispersal of water resources and its habitats. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to know the conditions of development of the border economy in Kurdistan province. The present study is a qualitative and specifically grounded theory method. The statistical population is all residents of the border regions of Kurdistan province. Sampling was done by theoretical sampling method and the total number of sample was 40. The data gathering tool was used in the first stage of the open and semi-structured questionnaire in the next steps. To validity and reliability the credibility (relationship with respondents, presence in the field, accuracy in implementation, and professional researchers) And dependability (diagnostic test). Important concepts extracted from this  research was poverty in income sources, negative attitude to Colbury, severe unemployment, family affiliation, overcoming the boundary action mindset, and the importance of economic capital. The concept of the ultimate nucleus is also the impact of environmental poverty and the overcoming of the global environment of the borderline


Main Subjects

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