Explaining the Effectiveness Model of Great Sports Conferences , the role of Mediation Social and Cultural Development on the Economic Development of the Host Society


1 PhD student in Sports Management, University of Tabriz

2 Graduate of Master of Sports Management, Urmia University

3 Assistant Professor of Sports Management, University of Tabriz


Conducting sports conferences at high levels will bring great gains to the host community. The most important part of hosting is economic issues. The purpose of this study is to, explaining the effectiveness model of great Sports conferences, the role of mediation social and cultural development on the economic development of the host city. The research method was descriptive and correlational and the statistical community of the research have formed, all the organizers of the sporting events in the Maku Free Zone. Based on simple random sampling method, 100 people were selected as the statistical sample. The data collection tool was a researcher-made questionnaire whose formal and content validity was reviewed and approved by a group of experts. The results of testing the hypotheses can be showed, by SMART-PLS software and using the t-test and path coefficients (B). Findings of the research showed; detected of the factors (development of community-hosted sport, tourism development, cultural and social development), the cultural and social factor with coefficient of influence 0.56 and tourism with a coefficient of influence of 20/0, respectively, had the greatest and least impact on the economic development of the host city. Therefore, it is suggested that the management of major sports in the country should pay attention to tourism, since the host society will benefit both economically and touristy attraction of tourists, as well as in the field of cultural relations with other countries.


Main Subjects

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