Culture and Development: Comparison of Cultural Development Indicators in Japan, Britain and Iran


1 Graduated from Al-Zahra University with a master's degree in social science research

2 Graduated from the University of Tehran, PhD in International Relations


Development is a complex process , with several indicators . Different views on development are each emphasizing on specific aspects of the causes and factors of development . These views emphasize on indicators such as geography , politics , international conditions, and so on . In the present study, while assuming the influence of the above mentioned factors , the role of culture and cultural indicators in development are discussed . In other words, the main question of the present research is how do cultural indicators affect development ? To answer this question , beginning with descriptive-analytic review of development factors in Japanese culture , the UK and Iran and eventually by comparison , six major cultural indicators of " power distance", " Individualism " , " Masculinity " , " Uncertainty Avoidance " , " long term orientation " and " Indulgence " in the community , are compared.


Main Subjects

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