Sociological analysis of the entrepreneurial role of Azeri-speakers in Tehran with emphasis on seafarers


1 Assistant Professor of Cooperatives and Social Welfare, Faculty of Social Sciences, Yazd University

2 Associate Professor and Faculty Member, Department of Urban Planning, University of Tehran


One of the social and objective manifestations of entrepreneurship in relation to social groups is the emergence of a kind of ethnic and networked entrepreneurship. In this paper, it has been tried to explain the economic and social dimensions of the performance of the Azeri seafood in the supermarket and chain stores of Tehran. The nature of the method used in the qualitative research was based on the ground theory method. In this method, we have tried to explain the logic of entrepreneurial behavior logic coding. The population of this study was Tehran's supermarket seagrass and 30 people were selected as "available sampling" for the interview. The results show that the entrepreneurial behavior of the seas was influenced by the early pioneers of the dyke. Not only did they have a high entrepreneurial spirit, but they were able to institutionalize this spirit and help establish a kind of ethnic entrepreneurship. For this group, entrepreneurship has been the objective embodiment of the "resource mix" and by migrating to Tehran, settling in the new Daryan neighborhood, purchasing Dober shops and creating hometown associations to support networking and network performance, has also played its part in the supermarket and store sector. Chains of "Dairy Fellows", and through its "Money Transfer to the Founder" (Daryan Village), will develop it


Main Subjects

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