The look of Sociologica l Factors influencing financial performance of organizations and companies with a meta - analysis approach


1 PhD student in Economic Sociology and Development, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran.

2 Master of Accounting, Islamic Azad University, Mashhad Branch, Mashhad, Iran


The increasing importance of financial performance in an organizations and companies has led to the conduction of many studies on the factors influencing financial performance. Because of this fact, the present study intends to examine the most important factors affecting financial performance in Iran. This study is a meta-analysis and includes all the articles written on financial performance during 2001-2017. To this end, 37 studies were selected and analyzed by CMA2 software. The results of the systematic review showed that so far, 26 variables have been examined on this issue. The results also revealed that among the factors affecting financial performance, Institutional ownership (0/51), Intellectual capital (0/47) and innovation (0/46) were the most influential ones.


Main Subjects

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