Assessing the quality of life of the people of Tehran based on the standard questionnaire of the World Health Organization WHOQOL-BREF


1 Associate Professor, Department of Social Planning and Welfare, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Tehran

2 Graduate of Master of Social Planning and Welfare and researcher of the Iranian Students' Thought Survey Center


The purpose of this paper was to measure the quality of life of people in Tehran based on WHOQOL-BREF WHO standard questionnaire. This questionnaire was developed by the World Health Organization's Quality of Life Group in four domains. (physical health, mental health, social relationships, and environment) with 26 items and its validity and reliability have been measured in different countries of the world. In this paper, the statistical population includes citizens over 18 years old that living in 22 areas of Tehran during the research period (1393). The sampling method is multi-stage cluster and the sample size is 1515. Findings and results of the research indicate that the total score of quality of life in the range (0-100) is 54.5 and in the range (20-4) is 12.7. There was no significant difference between quality of life variable and gender and marital status. There is a significant relationship between education and quality of life; people with university education have higher quality of life than non-university students. Also, there is a significant difference between age groups and quality of life; 21-30 year olds in Tehran have the highest quality of life compared to other age groups


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