Obstacles to mine development in Kurdistan province; Backgrounds, causes and consequences


1 Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Kurdistan, Sanandaj, Iran

2 PhD in Economic Sociology and Development, Department of Sociology, Faculty of Economics, Management and Social Sciences, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran


The aim of the current research is to analyze the economic and industrial underdevelopment of the mining sector as one of the development capacities and potentials in Kurdistan province. Conceptual framework of the concepts of economic and industrial development under Norx's theories of balanced growth and Hirschman's unbalanced growth and Schumpeter's theories of economic development, which consider economic and industrial development as the basis for solving underdevelopment and emphasize the importance of continuous and sustainable development. Has been adopted. Also, the method of contextual theory, which is based on contextual, causal, interventional conditions, consequences and adopted strategies - underdevelopment - has been used. The sampling method is theoretical and targeted, and the logic of the theoretical saturation method was used to reach the findings of the interviews with 15 experts, managers and activists of the mining sector. The results showed that the weakness of the industrial and communication infrastructure of the province has provided the basis for the underdevelopment of the mining sector. Expensiveness, unwillingness of investors, existence of brokerage market, long-term nature of investment and capital transfer, capital-intensiveness of mining activities have caused the decrease and lack of investment in this sector, and this has caused the conditions of underdevelopment. . The administrative and security obstacles of mines in exploiting the capacities and potentials of this sector have acted as intervention conditions in underdevelopment. These conditions have provided the polarization of the distribution of industrial and mining activities among the cities of the province and institutional and civil conflicts. This strategy indicates the consequence of underdevelopment and at the same time the reproduction of underdevelopment of the province in the mining sector. Therefore, suggestions have been made to solve the underdevelopment of this sector and its economic and industrial development.


Main Subjects

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