Identifying the Social Harms of Marginalization in Bonab City (Case of Study: Neighborhoods of Iran Garage (South Dizj), Dizj Almalu (North Dizj) and Aghdash))


1 Faculty member of Sociology, Urmia University

2 Department of Sociology, URmia University

3 Assistant Professor of Sociology, Department of Sociology, Faculty of Humanities, Urmia University



The rapid growth of urbanization along with the increase of rural-urban migration has provided a favorable platform for the formation of marginal areas around the cities. The rapid growth of urbanization has caused many problems and problems for cities, among which we can mention the problems of marginalization and the growth of informal settlements. Meanwhile, the city of Bonab, as one of the cities of East Azarbaijan province, has faced the problem of marginalization due to having different capacities. The present research has investigated the problems of social harms of marginalization in Bonab city. The current research is a qualitative research method based on foundational data theory and semi-structured interviews were used to collect data. The statistical population was the residents of Aghdash, South Dizj (Iran Garage), North Dizj (Almalo neighborhood) of Benab city in East Azerbaijan province, 41 of them were interviewed and theoretical saturation was achieved. The investigation and analysis of the conducted interviews indicate that the people living in the suburbs are engaged in informal jobs such as buying and selling drugs, alcoholic beverages, labor and carpet weaving due to the lack of skills and expertise, and it is also one of the main causes of injuries. Social in these neighborhoods, we can point to things like economic and social inequalities, the availability of drugs and the lack of a proper program to fill free time. Dropping out of school due to economic poverty, the low literacy level of families, and the addiction of parents has created a phenomenon called working children, these factors have caused false employment, and the lack of cultural centers has caused delinquency in these areas.
