Analyzing the experience and interpretation of aviation industry activists on the challenges of developing the commercial aviation industry in Iran

Document Type : Extracted from the dissertation


1 Associate Professor of Social Sciences, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran.

2 PhD candidate of social sciences, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran


Airline industry is one of the important factors in economic, social, political and cultural development and one of the most important indicators of economic growth of any country. In addition to being the driver of other sectors of the national economy, this industry has social benefits due to its role in increasing consumer welfare and cultural development of nations. Considering the economic, social and political dimensions of this industry,This article with a pathological view of Iran's aviation industry during the last half century, tries to examine the challenges and obstacles to the development of Iran's commercial airlines industry. Based on this, the main question of the research is, how do the actors and activists of the aviation industry understand and interpret the challenges and obstacles to the development of this industry? And what do they know about its bases and reasons? The method of qualitative research was done by thematic analysis. The interviewees were selected by purposive sampling method; And in the next step, basic information was extracted using the maximum diversity method. Data were collected through semi-structured individual interviews. Data analysis was done by thematic method. For this purpose, descriptive coding was done first, followed by interpretive coding. In this way, the extraction of meaning units, coding, categorization and finally access to core categories or themes of the events were done. From the analysis of the interviews, 48 concepts and 12 categories were obtained from the extracted concepts, and 4 core categories were counted among the categories. Based on the findings of the research, low strategic literacy, politicization, monopolistic globalization and Sanction of the airline industry are the most important challenges and obstacles to the development of the industry from the point of view of activists and activists of this industry.


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