‌ Water Consumption and Its Social Determinants (Case Study: citizens of Urmia)


1 urmia

2 tabriz university

3 Uuniversity of Tabriz


Water is one of the essential elements in the environment and the cornerstone of sustainable development. Looking at the tremendous growth of the world's population and the change in lifestyle and consumption patterns, the need for water has increased rapidly all over the world, especially in Iran. Since Iran is the country with a semi-arid climate, most of its cities direly need water, among which Urmia, as one of the big cities of Iran, needs more attention because of the drying up of Lake Urmia. The present study was conducted to investigate the amount of water consumption (ecological footprint) and its social determinants. The research statistical population consisted of the citizens of Urmia and its statistical sample is 516 citizens of Urmia who were investigated by using the survey method and via a cluster sampling technique. The obtained results show that the variables of materialism, consumerism, materialism and socio-economic base had a positive and significant effect on the amount of water consumption among the citizens of Urmia city. Also, the responsible and sustainable consumption variable has a decreasing effect on the amount of water consumptio


Main Subjects

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