Issue: Qualitative content analysis of the sixth development program of the Islamic Republic of Iran with emphasis on the field of political development


1 Associate Professor, Department of Social Sciences, Faculty of Social Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch

2 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Social Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz branch

3 Assistant Professor of Educational Sciences, Faculty of Humanities, Bo Ali Sina University, Hamedan

4 PhD candidate of Political Sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch


Increasing political development in the political system depends on complexity, independence, flexibility and unity; Otherwise, the system will face instability, chaos, authoritarianism and political decline. The methodology of this research is qualitative content analysis method of comparative type. The unit of analysis in the present study is the sentence. The statistical population is the five development programs of the Islamic Republic of Iran. The sample under review is the sixth development plan. The sample size has been determined through theoretical saturation and the sampling method in the current research is purposeful. Among the ten components of political development, three components of political freedom, political participation and political cooperation have not been addressed. Considering the political conditions of Iran and not addressing the components of participation, competition and political freedom, the necessity of addressing the above components and other components that are not addressed in this article is felt more. Among the ten components of political development, three components of political freedom, political participation and political cooperation have not been addressed.


Main Subjects

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