Sociological explanation of developmental idealism among the youth of Yasouj city


1 Faculty member of Payame Noor University

2 Department of Sociology and Social Planning, Shiraz University


Developmental idealism provides a strong framework for conceptualizing the psychosocial effects of developmental theory in everyday life. Developmental idealism implies that several aspects of modern development originate from Western thought. This article has been carried out with the aim of investigating and sociologically explaining developmental idealism among young people. The research data was collected through a survey and using a questionnaire among 608 youths of Yasouj city who were selected by multi-stage cluster sampling method. The findings of the research show that there is a significant relationship between the variables of economic class, materialism, use of virtual space and the Internet, religiosity, individualism, gender attitudes, attitudes towards marriage and developmental idealism, and the age variable has a significant relationship with developmental idealism. didn't have Based on the final model of the research, seven variables that were most related to developmental idealism were selected. These variables are, in order of importance (based on regression coefficients), religiosity (negatively), gender attitudes, use of virtual space, individualism, masculinity and attitude to marriage, which explained the developmental idealism variable. The model of developmental idealism showed that during social changes, social values and norms also change. And in order to prevent any problems from occurring, it is necessary to make decisions regarding any policies and planning in the society with regard to these changes.
Key words: developmental idealism, value change, modernization, youth


Main Subjects

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