Identifying barriers and factors deterrent women's participation in the economy and development


1 Assistant professor, Department of women and family studies, faculty of social sciences and economics, َ Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Master of Women and Family Studies, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran


Through a qualitative method and semi-structured, in-depth interviews, this research seeks to understand why women refuse to partake in economic growth in the country. Thus, eleven experts, pundits, activists, and officials from organizations devoted to the field of women were interviewed. The results revealed that reasons behind the refusal of women to participate in economic growth fall into three main categories: “individual and familial deterrents,” which comprises two sub-categories: “lack of self-confidence in women” and “familial obstacles and instilling gender division of labor.” The second main category is “sociocultural obstacles,” which comprises “the dominance of traditional and patriarchal views” and “rejection of women as breadwinners.” “Structural obstacles and non-liquet” is the last main category of reasons behind the refusal of women to participate in economic growth to be studied in this research, which comprises three sub-categories: “lack of a holistic and systemic look at the economic participation of women,” “the masculine domain of decision-makers and policy-makers,” and “lack of problematization of the participation of women in policy-making.” Due to the qualitative nature of the research, the researchers have no generalized claims.


Main Subjects

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