Study of the Waste Management Culture in Tehran


1 Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Kharazmi University

2 Assistant Professor of Sociology, Research Institute of Cultural, Social and Civilization Studies, Tehran, Iran


Objective: Increasing population and changing consumption patterns have led to increased consumption it has led to various issues such as waste production in large cities, including Tehran. The issue of municipal wastes and wastes has become so widespread that their territory no longer ends with technical issues and has a deep social and cultural nature. Therefore, the study of waste management culture among the citizens of Tehran has been considered as the main issue of the research.
Method: The present study is qualitative and the data were collected using semi-structured in-depth interview technique with the elites of the Waste Management Organization and the Waste and Recycling Department of the 22 districts of Tehran Municipality in the period of April and May 1400 and to analyze the data from Thematic analysis was used.
Findings: The findings of the present study are 7 main categories including policy-making vacuum, lack of empirical / theoretical knowledge, skill / cognitive training vacuum, poor operationalization and implementation, consumer thinking towards nature, social devaluation and Rental coalitions include cohesive and sub-categories.
Results: The results show that the extracted categories and themes emphasize two categories of deficiencies that have hindered culturalization in this area: the first category refers to the components related to citizens and the second category There are categories that have led to the lack of institutionalization of waste management culture from the outside.


Main Subjects

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