Social Security and University: Modeling the Feeling of Social Security in University of Tabriz


Associate Professor, Department of Social Sciences, Faculty of Law and Social Sciences, Tabriz University, Tabriz, Iran


In a university setting that includes the elite of society, sense of social security is considered one of the most fundamental principles of development. because, if they do not sense of security on university setting, the human capital of the country would be unable to fulfill its primary mission. So, in this context, this paper attempts to estimate the sense amount of social security and impact of social capital, economic capital, cultural capital and Religious investigated on sense of social security. the research was conducted through a survey. The statistical population of this study is undergraduate students of Tabriz University that number is a 13,000 people. Of these, 384 were selected randomly based on stratified sampling(Multi-stage). Of these, 384 were selected randomly based on stratified sampling. The data collection tool was a questionnaire. reliability and validity of the questionnaire variables are indicating high and acceptable reliability and validity. findings show that rate of social security sense has a above to moderate levels. also,the findings showed that the amount of social security in terms of gender and ethnicity of students are the same and the difference was not significant. overall, the results from the structural equation model show that variables of social capital, religious and economic capital explained to 12 percent of the variable variance of sense of social security among students.


Main Subjects

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