Continuity and Change in Economic Habit In Nomadic Field: Case Study Of Nomads Of Gilan-E-Gharb City


1 Graduated with PhD in Sociology of Rural Social Development, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Tehran

2 Faculty of Social Sciences, Yazd University, Yazd


The present study seeks to discover the habitual economic structure in the nomadic field of gilan-e-gharb city in order to take a realistic look at how nomads operate in the field of economic issues. The research method used in this research is structuralist structuralism and semi-structured and in-depth interviews have been used to collect data. The sample size includes 19 participants who have been selected using purposive sampling. The interviews were analyzed using the directional content analysis method. Research findings show that the habitual type of social agent within the nomadic field is very economical. The social agents in this field, Especially adult members, have low consumption costs and are very hardworking and economical. Herdig for the social agents is not only purely economic, but also the purpose and meaning of life. However, their field of activity has caused them to be constantly trying and earning the most economic benefit at the lowest consumption costs.. These agents are so emotionally attached that they have an emotional attachment to their herds that makes it impossible for them to imagine life in any other way. They do not seek economic goal, but their habit has resulted in the result of their work and actions leading to economic gain and investment and avoiding the loss of economic capital. The young members of the field, along with the continuation of the way of earning economic income, have slight changes in the way of looking at profit and economic activity.


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