The view point of cultural policy makers on the Social happiness and its origins.

Document Type : Extracted from the dissertation


1 Kharazmi University , Tehran ,Iran

2 kharazmi University ,Tehran, Iran

3 Kharazmi university, Tehran, Iran.


This Study analyses and clarify the cultural Policy makers View of social happiness. Based on the modern approach to the cultural aspect of social and individual health. In this study, based on the theories of Shuder and Arlie Hochschild, social vitality was considered as a cultural construct and according to Veenhoven as a social action .The study approach is qualitative and thematic analyses is usual. The data collection method is a semi-structured in-depth interview with a theoretical saturation criterion. The happiness is a mental and social concept that investigate in individual precinct and the dominate section of it is relate to social and environmental conditions. The important part of collaborate ceremonies is focused on religious ceremonies now days and the Policy makers belive that the cordial religious belief will culminate in intrinsic calmness and enduring happiness. Job satisfaction, social cultural capital, life style and personality, family, economical, educational and life quality factors affect the social happiness.


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