Assessing the social and cultural impacts of Mobarakeh Steel Company of Isfahan On the biosocial environment


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Social Sciences, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran

2 Research Fellow, Department of Social Sciences, Faculty of Social Sciences, Isfahan, Iran


The implementation of large industrial projects always has effects on the natural environment and human societies and the social and cultural structure of the local community. Today, with the presence of Mobarakeh Steel Company, the question for many citizens of Mobarakeh is what are the social and cultural effects of this company on their city? In addition, what are the possible negative effects of the presence of this industry on the local community and the surrounding area? The present study was conducted using cluster survey and sampling method. The statistical population in this study is all people over 18 years old living in Mobarakeh city. The researcher-made questionnaire was distributed among 480 samples. The results indicate that the region's immigration, the impact of immigrant culture on indigenous culture and improving the city's sports and cultural facilities, are the most important cultural effects of steel, as well as class differences and inequality, increasing communication network outside the region, fear of increasing Diseases and social development are the most important social effects of steel on this region. The average obtained from the dimensions of social development, social responsibility, cultural development, cultural change and cultural adjustment is higher than the average, and the average of social equality is lower than the average.
