Sociological analysis of the relationship between perceived social support and feelings of self-efficacy with the social health among the devotees of East Azarbaijan province


1 Islamic Azad university

2 islamic Azad university of tabriz, Assistant professor, social science department, Tabriz,. Iran


Social health is the perception that people have about themselves, social interactions and communication, usefulness, social role and being positive in society. Social health of devotees as one of the social strata of society is one of the significant issues in the field of health sociology. The main purpose of the present study was a sociological analysis of perceived social support and the sense of self-efficacy with the social health of the devotees of the Islamic Revolution in East Azerbaijan Province. The statistical population was 24340 devotees of East Azerbaijan province and 294 devotees were selected by systematic random sampling. Based on the findings, their average social health was 56.45% and perceived social support was 72.8%. The results of multivariate regression test showed that there is a significant and positive relationship between the sense of self-efficacy and perceived social support of devotees of East Azerbaijan province with their social health and the components of acceptance, participation and self-fulfillment and the component of social cohesion only with perceived social support. It is meaningful and positive. Also, there was no significant relationship between social health and devotees 'percentage, age, duration of war devotees, but there was a significant difference between devotee’s social health in terms of their literacy. Devotees with less than a diploma had the highest average difference with other groups.


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