"Professor" authority in the cultural field of the university with emphasis on the variable of university social capital (Case study of the University of Isfahan )


Assistant Professor, Department of Social Sciences, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran


Understanding and recognizing reference groups, especially the reference group of youth and students, is one of the most important and necessary social and cultural data for policy-making and management of cultural and social planning, and is the focus of social and humanities research. The cultural authority of professors and the level of students' trust in professors for cultural and social activism in the cultural field of the university. Theoretical framework of this research is based on theory The reference group is Merton and Mozaffar Sharif. This research was conducted in 2009 at the University of Isfahan with a statistical sample of 550 people. The statistical population also consisted of all students of the University of Isfahan, which was estimated at about 14,500 people.
Findings show that in the cultural field of the university, professors were selected as the most important reference group by students and 64% of students stated that they prefer to consult with professors in various personal, social, cultural and marriage matters and their opinion as They know the criteria and the important. Also, 73% of students prefer to be mentioned by professors. Intimate relationships and cultural and social interactions have a positive effect on university social capital and have a positive and direct effect on student satisfaction in various aspects of the university.


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