The issue of social trust among students (Case study: students of Payame Noor University -Tehran)


1 Professor, Department of Social Sciences, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Comparative Studies in Higher Education, Institute for Research and Planning in Higher Education (IRPHE)

3 Social Researcher, Institute of Social Studies and Research, University of Tehran


Social trust is one of the important elements of social capital and one of the basic prerequisites for development and moving towards modernity. Social trust reduces many social costs and increases social cohesion, and underpins the public sphere and civil society. Trust is necessary for the formation of ties and the creation of cooperation and social participation and cooperation, and it is only by relying on trust that we are able to solve problems and fulfill social obligations despite differences. The university institution as a developmental and democratic institution can guide the progress and development of society and the attitudes and values of each of its pillars, especially students, both in terms of dynamics and number of other elements of the university institution. That is, faculty and staff are often younger, more dynamic, and more numerous; It is of considerable importance.

The variable of access to institutions has the greatest impact on the variable of social trust and the variables of religiosity, having a healthy family, students' assessment of the response rate of institutions and the rate of access to institutions have about 46% of the change in social trust. The research findings are low level of students' social trust, so that 97.1% of students have moderate to low social trust and only 2.9% of students have high social trust, which seems to be affected by the tense and crisis atmosphere. It is social. Confirm country. Therefore, it can be said that the useful and developmental results of university education depend on the social and political context of each society. Given the growing trend of declining social trust, it is a matter of concern that policymakers have not paid much attention to this issue in recent decades. It is believed that the social crises plaguing the society on the one


Main Subjects

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