Explaining the social factors affecting social responsibility and managing the public opinion of Bank Melli Iran customers


1 PhD Student, Department of Social Communication, Faculty of Humanities, Islamic Azad University, East Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of social communication sciences, East Tehran branch.

3 Associate Professor, Department of Social Communication Sciences, Faculty of Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Tehran Research Sciences Branch, Tehran, Iran.


Becoming more competitive in the business environment and establishing a long-term relationship with the customer requires effective and profitable investment in the field of customer loyalty and the creation of optimal public opinion management in banks. Achieving the goals of managing customer public opinion requires a local and valid model. Therefore, the mixed research has used the mixed method. The statistical population of the research in the qualitative part of the research was selected for conducting semi-structured interviews related to data-driven theory, including 13 banking industry experts by purposive sampling method and in a quantitative part from the perspective of 384 customers participated by cluster sampling method. Data analysis in the qualitative part has been done by thematic analysis method using MaxQDA software. ISM interpretive structural modeling method has been used for modeling. Then, in a small part, the partial least squares approach and SmartPLS software have been used. The validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by calculating the AVE index and its reliability was confirmed by Cronbach's alpha and combined reliability whose values were obtained for all dimensions above 0.7. The results showed that thought leaders and the use of mass media have an impact on transparent information and counter-rumors and the development of advertising to increase security for the sake of customers. These factors also affect the strengthening of social responsibility. Strengthening social responsibility leads to managing public relations with customers and measuring customer public opinion, and ultimately leads to managing customer public opinion. Level five elements, namely thought leaders and the use of mass media, have the greatest impact on the strategic entrepreneurship of public institutions. In the same way, the degree of influence in the next levels is reduced and the variables at the same level also interact with each other.


Main Subjects

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