Inflation and Contingency Life in Iran Society: A Grounded Theory Study


1 Department of sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran.

2 Department of Sociology, Faculty of social Sciences, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran.


Inflation and expensiveness of goods and services was a pervasive phenomenon in recent decades of Iran economy and Society. Considerable changes were happened in people life by the inflation high rates. Our research goal was to understanding and explaining of how people coordinate with inflation high rates and what consequences had for their social life. In order to capture the participant’s interpretation and theoretical explanation, the grounded theory as a qualitative-interpretative research method was carried. 60 men and women by variant education and socio-economic status in Isfahan City participated in our interviews. The interviews data transcript analyzed by grounded theory analysis method. Accordingly, a theoretical model including 6 main categories constructed. Main categories included global relationships, pressure and change, institutional deficiency, collective passivity, bio-mental strain and norm-relations changes. And finally, contingency life constructed as core category, that presented the participants orientation in everyday life for accommodation by high rate inflation.


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