Study of the Relationship between the Components of Transformation in Developmental Beliefs and Behaviors and Social Alienation (Case Study: Students of the Faculty of Law, Social Sciences and Agriculture of Tabriz University(


1 PhD student in Economic Sociology and Development, University of Tabriz

2 Assistant Professor of Sociology, Department of Psychology / Islamic Azad University, Urmia Branch

3 Graduate of Clinical Psychology, University of Tabriz

4 PhD student in social issues of Shiraz University


The development of societies does not depend only on economic growth or programs aimed at it, but also on the components of change in beliefs and behaviors as preconditions for development. Accordingly, this study was written to study the relationship between the components of change in developmental beliefs and behaviors and their relationship with social alienation. The research method was survey and the statistical population included students of the faculties of law, social sciences and agriculture of Tabriz University, 263 of whom were selected by stratified sampling. Data were collected using a questionnaire and analyzed by SPSS and Lisrel software. The results showed that the components of "sociability" and "punctuality" were above average, the components of "social discipline" and "honesty and truthfulness" were below average, and the components of "respect for the rights of others" and "social alienation" were moderate. The results of testing the hypotheses indicated that there is a significant and negative relationship between the components of sociability, social discipline, respect for the rights of others, punctuality and honesty with social alienation. Also, the difference between the mean of social alienation in terms of faculty type, gender and educational level with social alienation was significant. According to the results of fitting the path model, the sociability variable had the greatest impact on social alienation. After this variable, social discipline, punctuality, respect for the rights of others, and honesty and truthfulness were in the next categories. In total, these variables were able to explain 36% of the changes in social alienation.


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