Explain and design a social model of business development in enterprises: The grounded theory approach (Case study: Etka Holding Organization)


1 PhD Student in Sociology of Economics and Development, Department of Sociology, Qom Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qom, Iran,

2 Associate Professor of Sociology, Department of Social Studies, Institute of Humanities and Cultural Studies, Tehran, Iran

3 Assistant Professor of Sociology, Department of Sociology, Qom Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qom, Iran.


The studies examined for business are limited from the perspective of sociology; while examining the social components of business development is considered as a missing link in enterprises. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to explain and design a social model of business development of the enterprise (Etka Organization). This research has been done in the framework of qualitative approach and application of grounded theory research. Data collection tool was semi-structured interview and 31 experts were interviewed using purposeful sampling method. Data analysis was performed in three stages of open, axial and selective coding and 18 main categories and 41 concepts were extracted. The results of this research, social benefit (central category); Social capital, social need, social justice, satisfaction, social relations, social cohesion, social class and entrepreneurship (causal conditions); Social relations between managers and employees, culture, leadership and management, right to choose, security and development-oriented training (intervening conditions); Social personality of manpower, religious beliefs, commitment and social identity (contextual conditions) were obtained. Strategies include implementing a stakeholder model in the organization, aligning employees 'personal interests with organizational interests, involving employees in organizational decision-making, managing employees' job satisfaction, redefining organizational culture, and developing intra-organizational relationships; Consequences include promoting organizational trust, creating a sense of loyalty in customers, creating common collective interests, creating relative justice for more employees, increasing organizational productivity with more motivated employees and the emergence of new ideas.


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