Investigating the relationship between economic capital and structure of tolerance among the citizens of Mashhad


1 Associate Professor of sociology; University of Tabriz; Tabriz; Iran

2 Department of Social Science. Faculty of Law & Social Science- university of Tabriz- Tabriz- Iran

3 Associate professor ; Department of Social Science, University of Tabriz

4 Ph D candidate; Department of Social Science, University of Tabriz


Tolerance means enduring the inherent diversity of large social groups and is seen as a synergistic effect of individual characteristics and the socio-economic environment. The purpose of this article is to investigate the effect of economic variables such as average income, residential area, etc. on the level of tolerance among the citizens of Mashhad. Therefore, to measure social tolerance in the study community, multidimensional survey and scale method was performed based on model of King (with dimensions of individual, social, political, gender, religious tolerance) and considering the sample size of 400 people. , A sample population of 15-year-olds above the city of Mashhad has been selected by cluster sampling.
Based on the research findings, in the study community, the overall index of tolerance is at the average level.While the level of economic capital is reported to be low. Among the dimensions of the index of tolerance, individual and social tolerance are at a moderate to high level and gender tolerance and political tolerance are at a low level. However, there is a positive relationship between economic capital and tolerance among citizens. The two variables of generalized trust and social participation are effective in improving the level of tolerance among citizens. Thus, citizens who have the economic capital and more resources to participate in association activities and establish continuous relationships with other citizens, they have more generalized trust and are more flexible in accepting differences.


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