Strategies for coping with economic crises: The Qualitative Meta Synthesis of scientific articles from 2005 to 2020


1 Ferdowsi university of Mashhad

2 ferdowsi university of mashhad

3 Ferdowsi University of Mashhad


Facing crises in recent centuries has been inevitable for all countries. And in this regard, various actions and strategies can be seen at different levels by different actors. Examining these types of actions and strategies will clearly be effective in managing and planning to deal with crises. The present study also aims to summarize the strategies adopted in the face of crisis. For this study, meta-analysis or analysis method was used. In this study, all articles that were published before 1399 or 2020 were collected from reputable Persian and English language databases. Finally, from the large number of reviewed articles, 3 Persian articles and 18 English language articles were selected and collected for final analysis. Finally, the results of the study showed that the greatest impact of crises is in the economic field. In other words, the first blow of crises affects the economic aspect of people's lives, and from this area, it affects other aspects of social life. The results showed that to get out of the crisis, the most common in government strategies are job creation, cash subsidies and livelihood support, and social, educational and health support. And in the area of ​​household strategies, the most common of these are reducing household consumption costs, diversifying livelihoods or changing jobs, seeking help from the social and civic network, and finally migrating and becoming more employed.


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