Study of the Role of Demographic Variables in Food Insecurity on Tabriz Households


University of Tabriz


Food security is one of the main factors providing individual, social health and food security is a guarantor of the development and advancement of society. Food security is so important that the World Bank and FAO have introduced food security as a goal of the third millennium development. In this context, this paper aims to Study of the role of demographic variables in food insecurity on Tabriz households.
The research method was survey and the study population includes the heads of households in the Tabriz city, that is approximately 378,329 households. of the entire statistical society, 426 households were selected based on multi-stage random cluster sampling and techniques of data collection was a questionnaire. the data collected for analysis SPSS version 22 software was used.

Findings show that about every 100 households in Tabriz, nearly 10.4 households are suffering from food insecurity. of this amount, 6.1% of the during year is suffering from food insecurity .also, the results showed that with the increase in age and body weight index, the level of food insecurity was reduced, but food insecurity will increase with increasing number of household members. food insecurity among women and head of household with a place of rural birth was significantly higher than that of men and head of household with a place of urban birth. food insecurity in between occupational household caretakers, high education and institutional and personal housing is significantly lower compared to unemployed, low educated, illiterate and rental housing. therefore, age, body mass index, household size, gender, place of birth, education status, occupation and housing of households are the determinants of population on rate of food insecurity.


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