Analysis of Challenges Faced by Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) from the Viewpoint of Owners of Industrial Enterprises in Kashmar Industrial Estate.


1 University of Yazd

2 University of Mashad


This study aims to explore the social construction of economic frustration and how to interpret and understand it from the perspective of small and medium enterprises located in Kashmar industrial town located in Khorasan Razavi province. Data were collected through observation, in-depth interviews and group interviews, and grounded theory method was used to analyze the data. Participants in the study were 12 business owners who were selected by theoretical sampling with maximum volatility. The results showed that foreign exchange market fluctuations, banking system barriers and partners' differences are the main conditions of economic frustration and traditional management, low level of expertise and the imitative nature of the industry provide the necessary grounds for economic failure. The government, the bureaucracy, the anti-capitalist culture, and the social context also act as preconditions for economic frustration .The results showed that frustration in addition to the economic dimension, due to its close relationship with the status and social prestige of people with special social meanings.


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