Presenting a model of the impact of spirituality in the workplace on organizational productivity with the mediating role of social capital and adherence to ethical behaviors in the University of Tabriz


1 Public Administration, Faculty of Humanities, Islamic Azad University, Bonab, Iran

2 Public Administration, Faculty of Humanities, Islamic Azad University.Bonab, Iran

3 Public Administration, Faculty of Humanities, Islamic Azad University of Bonab, Iran


In today's turbulent and changing environment, what can keep organizations in better conditions than other organizations is to pay attention to productivity in the organization. Productivity in the university has become a very important concern for managers. Because it is the most basic motivator in achieving satisfactory results .In the meantime, spirituality in the workplace is effective as a platform for achieving productivity. The purpose of this study is to investigate the model of the impact of spirituality in the workplace on organizational productivity with the mediating role of social capital and adherence to ethical behaviors in the University of Tabriz.This research is applied in terms of purpose and in terms of descriptive method and correlation. The statistical population of the study is the staff of Tabriz University, whose number is 295 people. The statistical sample size was estimated to be 167 people using the Cochran relation and was selected by stratified random sampling. The data collection tool is a standard questionnaire. To analyze the statistical data of the matrix correlation test, simultaneous regression and structural model were performed in SPss and Lisrel software.The research findings showed that the confirmed research hypotheses and spirituality in the workplace through social capital and adherence to ethical behaviors have an indirect effect on organizational productivity.


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