Meta synthesis study of citizenship culture in Iranian society


kashan university


Citizenship culture is a set of common values, attitudes and fundamental laws that lead to the active participation of citizens while respecting the democratic values of citizenship and universal responsibility; in a way that, it shapes their lifestyle and guides their interactions with others. The purpose of the present study is to review the studies conducted on citizenship culture using a qualitative Meta synthesis inductive approach. In this research, this method includes seven steps, which systematically evaluate and analyze the results and findings of previous studies. Meta-combination allows the researcher to use the findings of qualitative studies related to the research topic in a structured way to create comprehensive and interpretive findings. For this reason, the results of previous research from domestic sources during the years 1390 to 1398 and foreign sources during the years 2010 to 2020 have been collected and analyzed. Out of 140 extracted articles, 49 articles have been selected for final analysis. The theories used in this research was based on different theories according to the type of research method, using these theories and researches in this field, we can point out Weber, Parsons, Marshall, Turner and Giddens theories. The results of the research led to 49 codes according to the review of numerous extracted articles, which can be considered as one of the most important components according to their repetition: social responsibility, law commitment, universality, and social participation and so on. After reviewing and integrating the initial findings in this study, after going back and forth between sub-fields, 7 main fields were obtained, which include having a democratic attitude, political dimensions of citizenship culture, socio-cultural dimensions of citizenship culture, individual dimensions of citizenship culture, the moral dimensions of citizenship culture, the developmental dimensions of citizenship culture.


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