شناسایی و رتبه بندی عوامل موثر بر مشارکت اقتصادی زنان استان خوزستان با تأکید بر مدل سازی ساختاری تفسیری


1 Assistant Professor of Economics, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran

2 Assistant Professor of Sociology, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran


Women's economic participation is one of the most important components of sustainable development. The rate of women's economic participation in Iran is very low compared to developed countries. According to the report of the Presidential Center at 1397, women's economic participation rate in Khuzestan province of Iran is equal to 9.7 percent that show the Khuzestan provinces women's economic participation rate among the provinces of Iran is 27th among the 31 provinces. Women's economic participation, like other phenomena, varies widely and variety of factors can affect it. Based on importance of women's economic participation in Iran and its rate in Khuzestan province, the main purpose of the present study is to identify and ranking the factors affecting the economic participation of women in Khuzestan province. In this study, interpretive structural modeling was used. The interpretive structural modeling based on the opinion of experts through Mic Mac software operated. This study and the research methods is based on the opinion of experts in Khuzestan province at 1398. Based on the rankings of Mick Mac software, it can be said that social capital is the First place, society's attitude towards working women and patriarchy owning the second place and finally women's education and awareness take the third place. It also show that these three factors (social capital, society's attitude towards working women and patriarchy and women's education and awareness) compared to other variables included in the model (laws and regulations, unemployment rates for men and women and the economy as a whole, women's technical and professional skills, fertility rates and household size, inflation and economic instability, social and psychological security in society and media performance) has an important role in the economic participation of women in Khuzestan province.


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