The Investigation of The Impact of Information and Communication Technology on Women's Empowerment (With Emphasis on Education and Employment) In the D8 Member Countries


Alzahra University


Empowering women is one of the requirements of development and a concept that has various individual and social dimensions. It enables women to show their core identity and ability at all angles of their lives. The reason for the emphasis on women's empowerment is that, women in the developing world are more marginalized than men, and there are barriers and limitations for changing their social and economic life. On the other hand, information and communication technology, as one of the significant tools for empowering women, is expected to increase the flow of information and knowledge, by influencing public opinion, enhancing education and employment opportunities, and empowering women more than ever before. The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of ICT on women's empowerment (with emphasis on education and employment) for D8 member countries including Indonesia, Iran, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Turkey, Malaysia, Egypt and Nigeria, over the years between 2002-2016. Using panel data in an ARDL model, and applying GEM index for  D8 member countries, the data were analyzed. The estimation results show that ICT has a positive and significant effect on women's empowerment  in terms of various indices. The positive and significant coefficients of fixed capital formation show that if it increases by one unit, the number of girls enrolled in primary education increases by 0.009, 0.31 and 0.14, respectively, in terms of different indices. The findings also indicate that ICT has a greater impact on women's education and employment than the GEM index for D8 member countries. Thus, it can be concluded that, the development of information and communication technology have been effective to improve women's empowerment, especially women's education and employment in D8 member countries


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