A Qualitative Study of Entrepreneurship Capability of Graduate Students in the Humanities by Grounded Theory (The case of University of Tabriz students)


1 Urmia University

2 University of Tabriz


With the transition from first-generation (education-based) universities to third-generation universities (entrepreneurs), the importance of exploring entrepreneurship in order to foster creative and innovative power, strengthen industry linkages, and commercialize scientific findings and ensure the job safety of college graduates has attracted the attention of social scientists. The purpose of this study was to investigate the entrepreneurship potential of graduate students using the grounded theory approach. For data gathering used 20 semi-structured in-depth interviews among graduate students of Tabriz University And By focusing on the systematic procedures of Strauss and Corbin, the data were analyzed in three stages of open, axial and selective coding, and semantic units, core categories, and core were identified. Its validity has also been provided through continuous comparative methods, member control and accurate parallel information acquisition. . The findings show that semantic units derived from the central coding of the main categories include discovering abilities and talents, building capacity for self and others, having supportive factors for idea creation, idea creation ability, and idea management were extracted and finally, by using selective central core coding, the ‘idea objectification” was identified. . Also, the central core of the emerging areas of entrepreneurial “demand” capability and the central core of the entrepreneurial capability implications of “feeling effective” were discovered. As a result, it can be stated that the objectification of the idea by the multiple demand can have a feeling of effectiveness among graduate students.


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