Studying the Relationship between Managers' Strategic Thinking Level and Employee tendency towards Entrepreneurship, with an Emphasis on the mediating role of Emotional capability of the Organization (Case Study: Ministry of Industry, Mine and Trade)


1 PhD candidate in Entrepreneurship, Qazvin Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qazvin, Iran

2 Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran


Organizational entrepreneurship is one of the desirable mechanisms to respond the changes happening in the business environment. Entrepreneurial organizations create dynamism within the organization by institutionalizing the entrepreneurship. The construct are related to a number of factors from which the present study investigated the level of managers' strategic thinking among employees of the Ministry of Industry, Mining and trade and emphasizes on the mediating role of organizational emotional capability. The research method is a survey and the target population includes 1873 staff of the Ministry of Industry, Mine and Trade, according to the Deputy Director of Human Resources Development in 2017. Sample size includes 320 people selected by a systematic sampling method. The validity of the measurement tool was tested by the content validity and Cronbach's alpha technique was used to estimate the reliability. Also, SPSS and Amos softwares were used for data analysis. The findings of the present study indicate that on the one hand, strategic thinking has a direct and significant impact on the organizational emotional capacity of staff in the Ministry of Industry, Mine and Trade and on the other hand, it has an indirect effect on entrepreneurship considering the mediating role of organizational emotional capacity.


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