Meta-analysis : Research on NGO, With an emphasis on the participation of people in this organization


1 Alzahra U

2 Alzahra University

3 Payam Noor University


In today's modern societies, NGOs are regarded as the third pillar of society, the symbol of civil society and the primary means of people's participation in various social arenas.
Since these organizations are formed on the basis of public participation and their continuity depends on the permanence of the members' activities and activities, identifying, investigating the causes and reasons for attracting and participating people in these organizations will be an important issue. The purpose of this study is to review and evaluate research (papers and theses) conducted in this field and to collect and integrate the results of the mentioned researches in two axes: 1- To provide a general overview of the researches carried out in the field of NGOs. The tendency has been to involve people in NGOs and to measure and evaluate the impact of each of the factors under discussion using the meta-analysis model. These surveys were conducted using survey method using questionnaire tools in different statistical societies and based on reliable metrics. The effect size coefficients of variables were evaluated using software, CMA2 and online meta-analysis site. The results show that the effect size alienation and material values in the order of 38/0 - 36 / -0 which according to Cohen's system, this impact is assessed as moderate. With the exception of the two variables mentioned above and the marital status variable, the other variables have weak influence intensity. And the variables of age, socioeconomic status, education and social trust are among the most frequent variables in research in this field, respectively.


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