Sociological analysis of youth and middle aged on money in Tehran; 2019


1 PhD candidate

2 Azad University


The purpose of this study was to analyze and evaluate the attitude of middle aged working and young working groups toward money. How people think about money is a contentious issue in the social sense of money. Studying the attitudes of young people and middle-aged people towards money can reveal the type of monetary behavior in society. In the present study, using the theories of Simmel, Zellizer, and other sociologists, the sociological analysis of money attitude has been analyzed. In this study, Qualitative Combined Method was used. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 15 young and 15 middle-aged people in Tehran, were analyzed by theme analysis method and then four communications, gender, socio-cultural and psychological dimensions were extracted. A total of 41 phrases, out of 103 words extracted from interviews, theoretical foundations, and research backgrounds, form the discourse of this research discourse. For the purpose of sorting Q-sample expressions, 30 employed youth and 30 middle-aged working people in Tehran were selected by non-probability purposive sampling. Then, in quantitative part, the factor analysis of Q in SPSS software was used to identify, analyze and evaluate the mentality of individuals in each group. The results of this study show four mentalities of youth and three mentalities of middle-aged people in Tehran. By examining and comparing the aforementioned dimensions, the attitude of youth towards money in the gender dimension is different from that of middle-aged, and thus there is a generation gap in this area due to age, intellectual and cultural differences. Culture, education, and the media have given young people a different perspective on middle-aged gender. In other dimensions of research there is generational agreement.


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