Social construction of marketers’ economic actions’ consequences in network marketing companies



With increasing grow of economic existence of societies, human being and living are unimaginable without exchange and we can see different kinds of bargain in every fields and actions. Because of extension and specialty of economic relationship, context of human relations have increased and marketers must use. Disciplines of relations to achieve the best result and success in selling and customers satisfaction. This kind of relation in context of profit-base which is common in every society, take an instrumental and commodity form. Network marketing obeys from this form. In this paper with the help of critical ethnography and five step Carspecken approach tries to extend social construction of unequal distribution of power and wealth. So one year hidden participation observation was taken place and also deep interviews was done with cancellation members. From its extracted themes can name: norms pressure for coercive dealing, maximization of profit, curiosity about products, popular selling strategies, chimerical selling, hegemonic normal buying and extreme self-blaming. The results show that network marketing companies follow. Their own maximization of profit and marketers not only do not get profit but also tolerate enormous social and economic losses.


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