Assessing the role of rural tourism in sustainable development (Case study: Mirabad village)


Instructor, Department of Social Sciences, Payame Noor University, PhD student in Economic Sociology and Development, University of Tabriz


Sustainable development is a function of balance in economic, social and environmental dimensions. Sustainable rural development is hereunder sustainable development. It can be said that tourism is one of the factors influencing rural development. One of the reasons for its importance is the destructive effects of unsustainable livelihoods of the rural economy, which is dependent on basic resources and has become the basis for ecological crises. In the West Azarbaijan province, tourism can be one of the alternative livelihood options in villages located in the catchment area of the lake to alleviate the drying crisis of Lake Urmia, which has severely affected the climate and agriculture of the region. One of the villages in this area, which is also registered as a target village of tourism, is Mirabad village, which is the suburb of Ashnoyeh. A review of resources reveals how to sustain tourism and contribute to sustainable development goals in developing countries is still a major challenge. This paper identifies the factors and barriers to sustainable rural tourism development in the region by using a qualitative-coorporative approach and by using the SWOT method. The factors are ranked and based on the results, strategies for sustainable rural tourism development in the region are presented. The findings of the study indicate that tourism is unstable in the region and the predominance of unstable livelihoods, ignoring the new opportunities, and so on are the causes of this instability.


Main Subjects

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