Free Zones as a Driver of Development: A Sociological Analysis on Performance Dimensions of Aras Free Zone


1 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Social Sciences, Azad University, Central Tehran Branch

2 PhD student in Sociology, Social Sciences, Azad University, Central Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran


The term “Development” as a multidimensional construct in sociology, is influenced by many stimuli and factors. Among these factors, in Iran, free zones need a considerable attention. In the development process, by proper application of free zones, an endogenous economy can become an exogenous economy with a more effective role in the international arenas of economy and trade. Free trade zones are important keywords in the economic and commercial literature. Although in the beginning it seems that their main concepts are about commerce, but it should be noted that they are not limited to the economic and commercial fields because they can have deep social and cultural influences. Since so far no comprehensive study about the social impacts of free zones has been carried out in Iran, the present study aims to identify various aspects of this phenomenon. For this purpose, 14 interviews with social issues experts has been conducted. Then, interviews has been analyzed by Thematic analysis method and 28 conceptual categories & 9 themes, including Social Solidarity, Social Justice, Social Ethics, Social Security, Quality of life, Economic Performance, Social Performance, Political Performance & Cultural Performance has been identified and presented in the form of a theoretical framework.


Main Subjects

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