Provide a successful start-up model for small and medium-sized companies based on an integrated approach


1 PhD Student in Business Management, Faculty of Management, Qeshm Branch of Azad University, Qeshm, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Business Management, Faculty of Management, Qeshm Branch of Azad University, Qeshm, Iran,

3 Associate Professor, Department of Business Management, School of Management, Azad University, Central Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran

4 Associate Professor, Department of Business Management, Faculty of Humanities, Bandar Abbas Branch, Bandar Abbas, Iran


The present study identifies the pattern of successful launching small and medium-sized enterprises because of the importance of small and medium-sized companies in the community economy and the importance of their success in the start-up phase. The research method is integrated (quantitative - quantitative) which the qualitative part is based on the grounded theory and the quantitative part is based on the partial least squares test. The qualitative data were obtained through interviews with 18 managers of small and medium-sized companies in Khorasan Razavi Science and Technology Park based on theoretical saturation method. In the qualitative section, three categories of organizational factors including internal factors of the organization, external factors of the organization and strategies were identified. These results were tested in the quantitative section where the results of the quantitative data analysis indicated that the model was fit. Also, according to the coefficient of successful launching of small and medium-sized companies, 52.7% of the dependent variables are influenced by the independent variables entered into the model and the rest are factors that are not considered in the model. Accordingly, internal and external organizational factors as independent variables and organizational strategies as intermediary variables are involved in the successful launching of small and medium­ enterprises


Main Subjects

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