Fuzzy Analysis on Experimental Variations of Economic Development Based on Provinces' Elite Status within Iran's Contemporary Political Structure


1 PhD Student in Economic Sociology and Development, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran

2 Assistant Professor of Sociology, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran

3 Assistant Professor of Sociology, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran


The present study tries to obtain influential conditions on economic development based on experimental variations of provinces' elite roles within Iran's contemporary political structure by exploring configurationally causal path. The research method is of comparative-qualitative type and in order to control conditions such as provinces' elite status within Iran's contemporary political structure, a collection of data relevant to nine provinces which have influential political elite was analyzed using fuzzy logic method. Compare means test shows that there is significant difference between provinces' levels of economic development based on each province's elite status within political structure. Results of single necessary and sufficient conditions show that opportunity structure conditions (external) and cultural capital are sufficient conditions for revealing the results (economic development) and each of the other causal conditions are necessary conditions by themselves. In configurationally causalities five causal paths based on theoretical and experimental sufficient criteria (coverage and consistency coefficient) have necessary theoretical and experimental importance. Within important causal combination with appropriate coverage and consistency indices, cultural development and opportunity structure conditions (industry and mine) are common and introduced as the final necessary condition


Main Subjects

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