Analyzing the relationship between industrialization, labor division and social relation in Iran based on Durkheim using spatial econometrics approach


Industrialization as one of the affecting mechanisms on social relation in every society provides the prerequisites for specialization of economic activity and labor division and through which influences the social relations scope. This paper, in the framework of Durkheim social division of labor, has investigated the effect of industrialization on the level and type of social relations in Iran provinces emphasizing the specialization mechanism. The relationship between industrialization, labor division and social relations has been estimated by spatial econometrics model using data for the years 2004 and 2014. The findings reveal that there is a positive and statistically significant relationship between the industrial development, the specialization of industrial activities and labor division. Specialization of economic activities while reducing the mechanic social relation which is based on traditional structures, leads to enhance the organic social relation which is based on formal norms and rules. Since the absolute value of the effect of industrialization on organic social relation is less than the absolute value of the effect of industrialization on mechanic relation, substitution rate of organic relation for mechanic relation is weak in the process of industrialization. Therefore the structure of social relation in Iran has not been evolved and developed proportional to the condition of an industrialized society


Main Subjects

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