Investigating the Relationship of Social Capital and Quality of Life with Fear of Crime (Case Study of Slummers in Tabriz)


1 Professor, Department of Social Sciences, Faculty of Law and Social Sciences, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran

2 Associate Professor of Sociology, Institute of Social Research, University of Tabriz

3 PhD student in Economic Sociology and Development, Faculty of Law and Social Sciences, University of Tabriz


Influenced by various factors such as social capital and quality of life, fear of crime is one of the most important social issues in contemporary cities. The present study was aimed to investigate the relationship of social capital and quality of life with fear of crime among slummers. This study was conducted via a survey method and using a cluster sampling method among 600 slummers in Tabriz City in 2018. The research findings indicate that the level of fear of crime is moderate. Also, the degree of fear of crime varies according to respondents’ gender and job status. As crime rates are higher among women than men and among housewives, they are higher than other occupational groups. There is a reciprocal correlation of the quality of life and social capital with fear of crime. In addition, the sense of well-being, social trust, citizenship standards and social participation were able to explain 20% of the changes in fear of crime.


Main Subjects

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