The styles o f household economic management in Mashad


1 PhD student in Sociology, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Social Sciences, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad


Household economic management has been neglected as a comprehensive variable in domestic and foreign researchs.  The main goal of the present study is to identify the different styles of household financial management. The research method used is grounded theory with a deep interviewing tool. The statistical population consisted of all household heads living in Mashhad in 2018. In this study, 15 samples were selected by purposive sampling. Findings showed two styles of household economic management, including rational and irrational styles. The critical components of this concept are the mobilization of material and spiritual resources, desirability, attention to the crisis, equilibrium, and financial habits. Future-oriented, crisis, the balance in income and expenses" are variables that drive family economics towards rationalization. Also, the false financial habits drive that towards rationalization. In this regard, styles were identified other types. Rational economic management styles include (comprehensive rationality, rational desirability, rational future-oriented). Also, irrational styles are (irrational satisfaction, irrational future-oriented, comprehensive irrationality).


Main Subjects

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